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We help you integrate wearables and IoT devices into your business workflow
Wearable sensors and IoT devices are opening up new opportunities across many industries—from enhancing the way healthcare is delivered to boosting customer relationships and optimizing industrial processes.
Although the technological base for all these solutions may remain the same, the needs of each user are unique. And so are our solutions.

Technical expertise

Qolware's cofounders embarked on their innovative journey in 2008, pioneering groundbreaking research in wireless sensor networks and robotics applications at TU Munich. Since then, Qolware has evolved into a leading expert in integrating IoT and wearable devices into enterprise software, helping numerous companies design, develop, and implement bespoke analytics and sensor-based solutions, transforming their business operations and driving their success.

User centric approach

Our mindset is clear: we place the end-users at the center of everything we do. When the end-user is satisfied, so is our client. Our development process begins with in-depth user interviews to understand the problem, the environment, the business requirements, and the workflow of the product or service. With this comprehensive understanding, we can determine the most appropriate sensors, technology, and software architecture for each unique case..

High quality standards

We adhere to the highest quality standards in software engineering, ensuring rigorous data privacy and security controls. Our solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, conforming to the relevant international standards for each application. For the development of medical products, we collaborate closely with experts and certification bodies to ensure compliance with the corresponding directives and regulations, including IEC 62304, ISO 13485:2016, MDR 2017/745/EC, GDPR, and FDA standards.

Agile development

We operate in short development cycles, enabling us to swiftly respond to customer feedback and continuously enhance our products. Our modular IoT Toolbox allows us to efficiently deliver turnkey solutions to our customers. Qolware’s propietary Toolbox comprises ready-to-use and thoroughly tested technology modules, enabling us to implement customized IoT solutions more quickly and cost-effectively, all while adhering to the highest standards in data security and privacy.

Our customers and partners